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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 02:22 AM


1. Follow Menewsha ToS.
2. No cyberbullies.
3. Be literate!
4. I have nothing against having online boyfriend/girlfriend relationships in this thread, just don't take it too far!
5. If you'd like to be a member of our crew, fill out the application. Please.
6. Keep the swearing to a minimum.
7. Just because this is a thread devoted to outer space and all that's in it doesn't mean that you have to stay on that topic! If you'd like to start a conversation on something else, then go ahead!
8. When talking to someone when there are others present, please specify who you're talking to. Let's try to avoid 'talking to the void.'
9. There may be aliens come through here, so please be polite to any off-worlders we get. Let's make a good impression for all of Menewsha!
10. Try not to be rude to each other, either. Just because we're orbiting high above the planet doesn't mean you're off the hook. If you're nice to others on-planet, then be nice to others in orbit as well.
11. 'All work and no play' is no fun. Even when we're on research projects, we're all entitled to our own bits of fun.
12. DON'T PULL ANY PRANKS ON THE GUYS BACK ON EARTH!!! Please! This means, not transmitting fake radio signals for the guys at SETI to pick up! If you do that, I'll throw you out the airlock myself!
13. Do NOT destroy the station! And not just because it cost so much to commission and build; because we're in space! If you blow out a wall here, we're all dead. Literally.
14. You don't have to undertake the research projects in real life. It's only on the site that we're 'researching' something.
15. Behave. This goes along with the "no pulling pranks on the SETI guys" thing. Another example of misbehavior is throwing your trash out the airlock. Or throwing other people out the airlock. Either way, please behave yourselves.
16. No throwing you boss (that would be me) out the airlock! Just because I can't die doesn't mean you can throw me into the vacuum!
17. DON'T TOUCH THE RED MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18. Have fun!

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Last edited by TaiyoTsuki; 11-06-2013 at 03:44 AM..