Thread: The Strangers
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kuroshinigami is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 01:47 AM


"Doesn't exist?" Eva thought blankly. What...? How can it not exist?" She rubbed at her forehead, frustrated and confused. She looked up sharply when he said he was just trying to calm her. "Calm...? That was...calming?" She managed to sputter. "And women[/i] are troublesome?! What's with this guy?"[/i] She was still shaking, completely unnerved by him. "What do we have to discuss?" She thought. Part of her wanted to rise and leave, but her feet felt like they were glue to the ground. Feeling sick, she pushed the plate away from her and turned her face away. She merely shrugged at the question about skills. She wasn't sure she had any herself, unless you counted some self-defense and the ability to scare off others.