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HappyStarr is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by HamletSpamlet View Post

Whoa! That's neato, even though it's old!
How long did it take you? Seems like a lot of work :O
It is and it isn't a lot of work. You're mostly tracing frames, deciding what details to keep, change, or throw out. After that you add extra bits. I spent about a week on it. We were supposed to be working on it for an entire quarter, but silly me decided to goof off on personal projects instead until my teacher came up and was like "This is serious. You NEED to get this done. DDD<<<" Sooo I stayed in during lunches, after school and so on. It was a ton of fun, though, and in the end she was really proud of my work. ;)

And I totally wanna do it again.