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Roachi is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by the_paper_crane View Post
I slept on my arm once; I must have rolled over sometime during the night and pinned myself in that position. It was a good ten minutes before I could really fully use my arm when I woke up. I admit, for a while there I was terrified that I had damaged it forever!
I know it's dreadful. I swear my arm was aching for two days >____<

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
It is. :3

@ Roachi; Oh yaaay, a moldy touch! XD rofl

I think thats the only comfortable rest you can get, can't you? I feel more comfortable sleeping on my sides but then your arms fall dead asleep and you can't feel them in the morning. Its a funny feeling though! You can swing it around and it feels like its paralyzed. xDD

Yesh!!! I love the peas in the pod toy! My mom loved Barbie meeting Ken. It was hilarious at the end when Ken wrote that love letter to the other toys staying at their new home. lol
Lols, it gives it flavour! :P
Bwaahaha! You crack me up! Personally i love laying on my stomach. But recently i've been eating too close to bed time so that's not an option xD.

Bwahaha, i loved mr potato head when he was that chip/tortia thing. So funny :P

Anyways i just came to give you cuddles as i'm going to bed now, i cannot stay awake anymore! -snugs- Night night, see ya tomorrow <33