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Airheaded Spaz Cat
NekoSari is offline
Old 11-18-2010, 04:38 PM

After her three-hour nap, Liss woke up feeling refreshed and recharged. Stretching, she thought that whoever suggested a nap in the middle of the day was a good idea should be turned into a martyr wherever in the afterlife they were. The smells of dinner wafted down from the kitchen to her and she swore her mouth almost watered: vegetable soup with broiled steaks, her favorite. Getting out of bed, she headed to her closet to change into her nighttime wandering clothes: flexible black jeans, black hoodie, and her favorite converse sneakers, she planned to go out directly after dinner. Her clothes being changed, she dumped the dirty ones in the hamper and headed upstairs to eat with her adoptive family. "How was your nap, Liss?" Delia was in the process of scooping the soup, thick with vegetables, into three bowls to be placed on the table, and she could hear Doug washing his hands in the bathroom.

"It was great, I didn't want to be running around the woods with no energy," she took the bowls from her mom and placed them on their designated placemats, returning for silverware and cups. Well, she thought of it as 'silverware' but not a single piece had any drop of silver in it. Nobody wanted a repeat of her bout with the sword. "I almost don't want you to go out tonight, kiddo," Doug had returned from the bathroom, his hands still slightly wet and being surreptitiously wiped on the backs of his legs. "I don't want you to get into trouble if that neko is a Hunter." He sounded worried and Liss gave him a quick hug, grateful that they really honestly cared for her. "I'll be fine, dad! I've been dodging Hunters for a very long time remember? They haven't gotten to me yet, and I've given them no reason to attempt now," she smiled, exposing her fangs. "Besides, if they really want to kill me, I can defend myself." Neither human looked convinced, but they didn't say anything else on the matter, they knew she would go out anyway. Dinner was silent, and Liss gave her parents a kiss on the cheek after her plate was in the sink. "I'll be back before morning," and then she was gone out the door on her way to the woods.