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PhantasmicAnomaly is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 02:12 AM

"Lorelei, please behave yourself!" Her mother said in exasperation, the daughter giggling like crazy behind her as they exited from Gringotts with the necessary money they needed to buy her supplies. Her face was red from both the ride to the vault and her laughter. No matter how many times they went to Gringotts, Lorelei found herself screaming in delight as they zipped through the dizzying labyrinth. There was a wild look in her eye, complete with her windswept hair, that made her look like a normal child. Not that she wasn't normal, but there was normally a certain class about her because of her upbringing that set her slightly apart.

"I'm sorry, mother." Lorelei giggled, though she didn't look like was sorry at all, while she ran her fingers through her hair to try and get it back into place. Their next stop was to purchase her various articles of clothing, making sure to have her name stitched in silver thread in the inside pocket and her initials on her dragon-skin gloves. The next stop was to find her books, which was pretty easy to do, even if there were large volumes that Lorelei wished she could at least peek through. However, given her age, the assistant in their search was less than happy when the young girl started going through books that only advanced witches and wizards should make any sense of. They certainly looked interesting, the few spells she was able to look at before being hurried along, which only made her more intent on mastering the basics her first year.

There was then the matter of aquiring the necessary instruments, including the cauldron, telescope, and phials. Her family insisted on getting the crystal ones, saying that they better off than the glass ones. If anything, Lorelei thought they just looked prettier when the light bounced off of them. They then went to Eeylops Owl Emporium to pick out a new companion. They emerged awhile later with Lorelei proudly carrying the cage of a male Eagle Owl, whom she affectionately named Dante. Dante was currently preening his feathers, though every so often he would look up at her with the dark citrine eyes that had enthralled her.

Her father called for a porter to take all that she had purchased back to their home while Lorelei and her mother went ahead to Ollivander's to get the final piece that every good witch and wizard needed: a wand. Upon entering, they waited patiently for someone to help Lorelei with finding her wand, though her mother muttered very loudly about how they should be waited on. Lorelei merely looked to the side and tried to drown it out. When they were finally waited on, Lorelei was very eager to get started.

She went through a few wands before she finally felt the feeling that all had when they had finally found the wand that suited them the most. At eleven inches, the vine wand was intricately caved with its namesake. Within it was held unicorn hair, something that made Lorelei a little giddy. Then again, she probably would have been giddy if it had been dragon heartstring or phoenix feather!

Her purchases complete, Lorelei begged her parents to let her go to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to get some ice cream. Her parents finally relented, saying that they wanted her to meet them back at the entrance to Diagon Alley within two hours while they went to do some shopping of their own. Agreeing, Lorelei went off to buy her desired frozen treat and was soon walking around, observing other people, while nibbling away.