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Ascadellia is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 05:16 AM

( Thanks for telling me!! xD I could've sworn I'd put 11. >.>; Fixed now. ^ ^' And, since his pic isn't showing.. Here he is. :3 *goes to work on post* )

Marionette finished getting her books, along with a few extra. She blinked, her unnaturally light eyes scanning her list once more to double check she had gotten everything. She paid for the books and walked out of the store, balancing the books rather well. She hadn't brought anyone to help her with them, and she had yet to get a room at the Leaky Cauldron. So this would just have to carry them around. She went around and bought her robes along with a couple of extra clothing and then finished her rounds. She had no need for a wand. Luckily, she had been able to inherit her great grandmother's wand. It was 12 inches with a phoenix core and a small fragment of a chimera scale. The wood was madrona. It was a prized heirloom and she had been rather lucky it had accepted her. It also meant that she didn't have to buy a new one. She glanced around and grinned lightly, deciding to head over to get an ice cream. Her arms were getting very tired at around this time, with all the bags and boxes she carried. Damn rules not allowing us to use magic. she thought, somewhat sourly before she made her way to one of the tables out in the ice cream shop. She placed the things down, sighing a little at the relief of her arms.

Michael had finally, after what seemed like hours, found his owl. He named her Asrei. He bought a couple treats and a new cage for her before he stepped out of the shop, wandering around to watch the ongoers. Most seemed to be Hogwarts students going to get their supplies. Just like him. Some didn't seem so nice, while others were friendly enough. He smiled cheerfully, stroking Asrei's head lightly as he walked back to the Leaky Cauldron to place her in with the rest of his things in the room. He didn't think she would want to be with him all around and in a stuffy cage. He wanted her to spend some quiet time to herself and rest up while he explored. He hadn't really had much time here before, so it was an almost new thing for him.

Last edited by Ascadellia; 11-23-2010 at 05:54 AM..