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Old 11-28-2010, 01:48 AM

Karma sat there trying to learn the alphabet and the words of Yen's language. She thought she was doing well, and there really wasn't much else to do in that tiny room, so she kept practicing. After a while she watched Yen take off his glasses revealing the mark on his eye and the red iris's the surrounded his pupils. Karma smiled seeing them, they were beautiful. But her smile faded as she saw him put the glasses back on. Yen seemed to be looking for something, what, she didn't know.

She reached across the table and put her hand on his to get his attention. "You have beautiful eyes, i know they are strange, but you don't need to hide them from me." she gave him a smile as she took back her hand. She was about to say something but then she heard footsteps approaching. Karma's pulse quickened and she looked over at Yen. She desperately wanted to grab hold of his hand but she didn't know what to do.