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lpockyl is offline
Old 12-01-2010, 02:20 PM

Hiroshi looked up to see a few students situated in their seats, one in particular caught his eye. He stared at him for the longest. He walked up to the door, specifically passing by the student, he wanted to get a closer look at his face. His features were amazing, looked like an Angel came down and made him their personal project. He was perfect. He noticed that while he was gaping at one of his students the bell had rung and there were more students in the room.

Embarrassed he walked up to the door of the class and put the automatic lock on, if there were to be any students that came in late they'd have to swipe their I.D's to get into the classroom. That way he'd know who and what time they were late so they'd have to sign in and that'd be on their records. He didn’t like it when people were late, especially for his class.
Since it was the start of the new semester he might cut them some slack. No… they needed to learn discipline. He knew this was unlike him but it was a problem that needed to be stopped, even if it were the beginning, they should learn to be prompt. He walked back to his desk and looked up at the class, his attention diverting to the student.
“Okay class…” he started, now looking at everyone. “We’re going to get to know each other… like they do in kindergarten.” he chuckled lowly at his own simile of the two grades. “We will go around, everyone introducing themselves and telling one interesting thing about them, and one thing that they like to do.” He looked around, “I’ll start. I’m your teacher Hiroshi Hayaki, one interesting thing about me is… this is my first year of teaching, straight from school… and one thing that I like to do is…” he looked up in the air to decipher what he would say as one of his interests. “I like to… read?”
He said it with a question, he knew it wasn’t anything interesting, but it was something. “So… we’re going to start in the back and work our ways down…” he pointed at a girl in the back of the classroom with bleach blonde hair. “you, in the back, green shirt.” He said aloud.
“Uhm, my - -my names Alyssa Knight… and I… once I… I entered a spelling bee and won first place… one thing I like to do is sing…” she said as a blush settled on her face.
“Would you like to give us a sample of your work?” Hiroshi asked as the girl shook her head wildly. He smiled, she was shy, it was cute. She almost reminded him of his smaller sister.
“N-no thank you…” she sank in her chair, Hiroshi smiled and gave an approving nod as he called on other children.

Sorry it took so long to reply. I had to leave the cafe... it was closing.