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At Your Service
harakun is offline
Old 12-02-2010, 09:36 PM

Raphael liked Hiroshi's reactions. He wouldn't mind teasing the other all day long, really. It'd have been better, too, if his classmates weren't around. Only then could he try to test a few of his other skills, which involved a little more touching physically. Turning to look at Alyssa who blushed pink, he smiled at Ken who looked obviously like a stricken puppy. It wasn't hard to tell Ken wanted to be his partner.

"Ken's already got her, Sir."

Getting up from his chair again, he took the book and nodded when he was directed where to sit. Yet again, the class broke off into a murmur but him turning to look at the class silenced them. Raphael looked back at Hiroshi and he smiled again while he waited like the rest of the class for the next instructions. Perhaps, he'd frequent the faculty room or maybe ask the professor if he could come over to his place or the other's place.

It'll be even better if he lives alone.