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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 12-03-2010, 11:08 PM

((Absolutely wonderful here. :heart: Thank you, Shadami!! */glomp/hug/tackle* I hope you don't mind . . . but I would like to edit the pictures of Kaito. :sweat: I will post the links here, and would you mind sticking them into his profile at the end or something?

And I have a suggestion - have people PM you with their profiles so that you can stick them with the other students/teachers? =3

Thank you for revising the thread, deary!))

((Sayren = Still asleep))

Jaz looked down at her phone, nearly laughing when she saw that she'd just missed Jai. Instead of heading straight to the gym, she took off through the kitchen, snagging a can of soda out of the large fridge. She managed to manipulate the circumstances so she wasn't seen by making some racket with the pots and pans as she left them behind. It drew the kitchen workers to the opposite side of the room so she could leave quickly.
Watching for any teachers, the silver-haired girl headed for the gym. Upon getting there, she texted Jai while tugging her striped shirt (which was known for hiking up a few inches) back down over her belt. The many piercings she had make her look like a rather nasty woman to like . . . but her shining eyes and warm smile all but made up for it. Tossing her long gray and silver hair from her face, Jaz let her lips form a small "o" of surprise. Jai was right there, and she hadn't seen him right away.
"Hey Tiger," she said, giving him a welcoming smile as she moved to give a lock of his hair a tug. "Can't sleep?"

Letting his blue eyes trail over the clock on the wall, Vincent chuckled and shook his head. Now that classes were over, he was cleaning up the sparring room - which was coated with blasts of ice and puddles of water. The one thing that he'd forgotten about all day suddenly popped into his head: Nyriko, who's name Kaito had written on a note near his things, had missed her detention. On the first day, nonetheless.
Such is the way of teenagers.
As he swept his hand out one final time, the area cleared of any ice and water, all of it swarming into an orb before the instructor's hand. You won't be getting out of trouble by doing this. Vincent promptly left the building, letting the water disperse into the outside world before observing the late-night students that wandered about. There weren't many - thank goodness - but those who were up were almost breaking curfew. As one of the faculty members, Kaito was one of those who kept an eye on the students - and usually imposed trouble upon them (if he remembered). If anyone had gotten into his things they would see that he had various notes written down - if he didn't write it out, it was forgotten.

For the first night, the students could rest easy. Vincent shook his head again, continuing on toward his room. He wasn't going to make the newcomers feel uneasy. But, should they disobey curfew repeatedly . . . that was a different story. Woe to those who were caught in the future.

((<-- forgot about Nyriko's detention. xD So . . . I made Kaito forget too. :rofl: He'll get her the next day!! :yes:

Oh . . . and it's Monday night in the RP, yes?))