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ValkyrieSkyes is offline
Old 12-05-2010, 07:38 PM

[[It's alive :DDDD]]

A small, startled sound escaped Blaire's lips as he pulled her onto the dancefloor, her heartrate skyrocketing. "N-no," she squeaked out in reply, her eyes wide as his breathe tickled her ear. She forced herself to relax; she was here to have fun, right? That's all this was, fun, and no she wasn't going to pass out, yes he was cute but that was no reason to act like a child with her first crush.

"You're a good dancer," she commented, as they twirled around the floor. She found herself enjoying the dance more, her body relaxing by degrees as they danced. There was something nagging at her in the back of her mind, but she couldn't figure it out; she let it slip away, deciding it could wait until later.