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"I'd take a bullet for you..... On Halo..... JK, that'd ruin my kill streak."
shellbells is offline
Old 12-10-2010, 02:32 AM

(( Hey, Dark! I think you can have Aiko run by Makoto and Mayakii if you want. Like happy said, we're not doing much anything than talking. ))

When Mayakii was asked where she had gotten her weapon from, she grinned and patted the sheath. "Long story." She sighed. A long and proud story, indeed. He probably wouldn't believe that I'm his decendant. "Anyways, what are you doing passing through this part of town? Its not as civilized at the others, its pretty old." She said. "These parts don't take kindly to us." She warned, thumbing the direction of the hut that the man who was throwing rocks ran into when the demon appeared.