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Old 12-10-2010, 03:42 AM

Just hearing how Mayakii told him that he was the descendant of Sesshomaru, Makoto's eyes widened up as he looked at her as if she were crazy. Originally when his parents and grandparents told him that he was the descendant of Sesshomaru, he didnt believe them since he just thought they were just saying it to praise him for being such a loyal child to them. But he had just met this girl, so why in the world would she lie to him? Did this mean, he really was the descendant of the so called 'Lord Sesshomaru'?
So right when she told him that meant they were basically cousins since she was the descendant of the great Inuyasha. Makoto's eyes widened up even more as he sighed, lowering his head shaking it in disappointment. He had never had a cousin before, and now just getting one was just kinda random. "Naraku...?...I thought the great Inuyasha, took down that demon? least..thats what I was told in the stories by my grandparents." He explained as his attention was suddenly taken away from Mayakii when he heard another female's voice, turning over to look at her, Makoto tilted his head. She seemed to look almost like a priestess. "Yes?...what is it that you like?.." he asked curiously.

The whole time Mayakii and Makoto were talking, Naraku had still been grinning under the cloak he was wearing. Staring down at the ball of energy, stalking their every move. "You foolish think that half-demon would kill me so easily?...sure Inuyasha...may had destroyed my body completely..but what he mistakened was that..I can never truly be defeated." he said with a whisper to himself. Suddenly when Aiko had come over to them, his eyes widened up as he saw how the girl resembled Kagome by a lot. Seeing the four of them now kind of brought a little shock into him. A demon hunter that looked exactly like the original Sango; the descendants of one half demon, another of a full demon, and now a priestess that looked almost just like Kagome. It was like the whole gang that had killed him, was coming back to try and defeat him once more.