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Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-13-2010, 12:34 AM

Steven giggled."Sorry,did I scare you?"she asked."Is the popcorn done?"She asked as she got a light green bowl out."We can use this bowl to put the popcorn in when it is done."Steven said cheerfully."I also know what happened to my mother."She said with a smile."My dad told me and it does explain a lot of things."Steven said as she got a bottle of butter that was for the popcorn out."my mother didn't die she is very much alive.But she was cursed to be a cat.She is a cat by day and a human by night.I need to figure out a way to break the curse.I want her to be at my wedding and not as a cat."Steven told him meanwhile Celeste layed on Steven's bed and looking up at Cecilio and seeing Satoko a smile crossed her feline features.She walked over to Steven on all fours and layed next to her nudging her a little and purring.