Thread: Ahh! A witcher!
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emeraldeye is offline
Old 12-20-2010, 08:51 AM

"This is very good."

"The best," he replied. In truth he hadn't expected this particular tavern to have any but he was glad they did. That is, until, Sara continued speaking.

"I'm glad it's not very strong. I must reveal to you a secret. I have never had alcohol before, unless you count a single sip I stole from my mentors glass when she wasn't looking. That was awful stuff."

"Er," Gawel started, then he shut his mouth and took another sip to hide a grin. Tamerian Red was one of the strongest wines around as well, it was meant to be sipped lightly over good company and good entertainment. He was about to warn her that, despite the taste, it actually was quite strong, then decided against it; it would be quite amusing to see her drunk he decided.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow when she rested a hand on his arm and sat very close. Clearly she hadn't drank anything before and just as clearly the alcohol made her a lot more confident and flirty. Maybe it would be an interesting evening after all, he decided with an altogether amused smile on his face.

"How many mugs of beer will get you drunk, as opposed to a regular man?"

Gawel shrugged. "Just the regular amount, I suppose, maybe a little more. I think the main difference comes more from the duration I remain drunk as opposed to ordinary humans."

Not long after a meal was placed before them and Gawel nodded his thanks, tipping the waitress rather well. It was a plain fair, a fairly tasteless stew, but it was hot and filling and that was what was important to Gawel.