Thread: Ahh! A witcher!
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Briar Rose
Professional Procrastinator
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Old 12-20-2010, 09:02 AM

Sara was very thankful when the food came. Even though she had eaten her normal meals, she was quite hungry. With her meal, she was served another glass of the blood red wine, and she sipped it every few bites. "So do you sober more quickly than ordinary people?"

She continued to keep her eyes on the men, but now that she appeared to be actually with the witcher, they hadn't looked in her direction at all. She felt a small thrill of pleasure at that. Or maybe it was at the thought of her and Gawel together? She scoffed. Of course it wasn't that. He was simply a nice man, she knew they existed, had even met one or two. He was merely letting her tag along, albeit a little unwillingly.

She continued to pick at her food, taking small bites here and there. It was good food, to Sara's great surprise, but with the meager rations she allowed herself, her stomach had adjusting to having little food at one time, and the heaping plate before her was daunting at best.