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Chase the Morning, Yeild for Nothing
ThyFaerieQueen is offline
Old 12-24-2010, 01:59 PM

Oh wow, thank you guys~ This is just what I wanted. I get to give my poetry to all the good people of Menewsha~ Yay!!

@Knerd, here you go. I thought the haiku was going to be hard, since of the restraits they have of 5, 7, 5, but it was actually pretty easy. & That's nice.

Festival of Nights
A Winter Poem

by Thy Faerie Queen

A gentle silence
Ringing though out the forest
Peaceful and Calm

All of a sudden,
Joyous laughter of children
Explodes forth like light

"What now is that noise?"
The trees rustle their question
Through this snowy night

The Small girl and boy
With cold noses and fingers
Dash through out the wood

The laughter explodes
And the trees rustle again
What is the meaning?

They exchange a kiss
This has happened before now
Once upon a time

Through the winter storms
On this festival of nights
Anything happens

And usually, it does <3