Thread: Ahh! A witcher!
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Briar Rose
Professional Procrastinator
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Old 12-27-2010, 07:41 PM

Feeling a little cast off, Sara watched his retreating back and hoped that he wouldn't get into any trouble. Well, no more so than he could handle anyway. She sat pondering her thoughts for a while, taking enough time to order another glass of that wine. She paid her bill, but hardly noticed as change was given back to her.

"So yer fella goin' off to fight that koshchey, then?" The barkeep asked her.

"No, not tonight. Off hunting other creatures for now." She decided it may be wiser to not correct everyone on assuming she and Gawel were together. Not only was the thought pleasing to her, but it also seemed to keep most of the leary gazes of men at bay. The silence stretched on for a moment, and an idea began to form. Maybe she could make herself useful after all.

She leaned an arm on the table, setting her chest on it, adding to her already generous bust. When she saw that the men around her had noticed, she slapped a puppy face on, and twirled a finger around the worn smooth surface of the old pitted bar. "I don't suppose any of you fine gentlemen have seen anything, or anyone, acting strange? Or perhaps a hermit or odd newcomer?" She directed her large teal eyes at the barkeep, who flushed and tugged at his collar.

"Well, ma'am, I can't says that I have. But we do have a hermit living up out on the skirts of town..."

She jutted her lip out a bit, playing up her drama. She had always loved watching actors, now she got to be one. "Oh, so nothing strange? So disappointing..."

"Well we 'ad that one feller come inta town 'bout the time that koshchey thing showed up." One of the men four seats down from her said, eager to try and please the pretty lady.

Sara's eyes lit up as she swiveled to face the guy who had spoken. "What's his name?"

"I don't think you should be sniffin' around that one, Miss. He's right ornery, that one." The barkeep put in, and Sara assumed her best pouty face. "But I suppose if you brought that man of yours along, you'd be alright..."

"Oh I wouldn't dream of doing anything without my beloved... uh... man." Sara swallowed hard and forced away the want to say husband. "So, the names of the hermit and this ornery gentleman?"

"Clyde is the ol' hermit, fairly nice, but has a real temper." Another man spoke up, starling Sara with how close to her he was.

"And that other feller is Rolmond... somethin' or other."

Sara glued a bright cheery smile on, and gave each man shining thanks, to which they all blushed, and as she excused herself, she could feel every set of eyes on her. Going up to her allotted room, she bolted the door as soon as she had it shut, and did the same with the windows. It was too creepy how easily mens tongues wagged when confronted with a pretty face, and even creepier that she had enjoyed the attention. Sara had never thought of herself as pretty, and even tonight couldn't convince her she was. It just solidified that men were all after one thing from women...

Her bubble popped. Gawel couldn't be like that, could he? She shook her head as she flopped her boots next to the bed and began undressing. Not possible. Gawel was a witcher, and had never shown even the slightest interest in her as a woman. She sighed. How unfortunate that the one man she wouldn't mind attention from, didn't find her attractive.