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Angelo is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 06:47 AM


It has been 127 years after the end of Naruto Uzumaki's peaceful reign as the sixth Hokage of Konohagakure and tensions between the nations are rising. Currently, Konoha is trying to maintain neutrality, while Sunaga and Kumoga threaten Iwaga and Kiriga due to outrageous import taxes and differing viewpoints. Despite attempting to remain neutral, the seventh Hokage has begun increasing the speed at which young shinobi are trained, fearing that the Land of Fire will be caught in the middle of a full-out war.

In addition, a tome left by the Sage of Sixth Paths has been found, and, upon being deciphered, revealed that the ten-tailed beast had actually had eleven tails and that he had been broken into ten pieces. The Sage had purposely lied to the populace to keep the eleven-tailed beast from being resurrected by malevolent persons. Fortunately, the Konoha elite are the only ones privy to this information, due to the fact that the other four war-hungry nations would abuse the power this tenth demon presented if they captured it. So far, Konoha has had no sights of it, though reports of a large floating landmass have started trickling among the population, causing a bit of concern for the elite class. The nine-tailed fox was huge! Could the "landmass" actually be the mysterious tenth demon?


1. Obey Mene's Terms of Service first and foremost.
2. No godmodding, or autohitting, or anything like that.
3. PM all profiles to me with "Wind Release: Rasenshuriken" as the title. Add "Jinchuriki" or "Kage" to the title if you are applying for one of them.
4. PM any complaints to me so I can resolve them.
5. I am the monarch of this domain; anything I say goes.
6. I reserve the right to ban rulebreakers from the thread.
7. Do not send me a profile for a Jinchuriki and a Kage. You can have one or the other, not both.
8. Try to post frequently, and give a heads up if you can't.;)
9. If a Jinchuriki/Kage character hasn't been used for a while, I'll give the character to someone else.
10. I reserve the right to change these rules at anytime I see fit.
11. Do not kill another character off without mine and the owner's consent. It's just rude. :P
12. Try to keep your characters in the 11-14 year old range.
13. Excepting the Kage's, start your character off as a Genin unless I give you permission for a Jonin or Chunin.
14. And most importantly, have fun! :D


Chakra: (No more than three; a combo release, like ice, counts as three because you control three attributes)
Rank: (Genin for now, unless I give permission saying otherwise)
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei):
Bio: (At least THREE paragraphs, please)
Personality: (At least a paragraph)
Weapon(s): (No more than two or three; a scroll containing many weapons counts as one weapon)
Appearance: (*Anime pictures only* Any modifications should go under the picture)

  1. One-tailed Shukaku (Wind): Shavin
  2. Two-tailed Monster Cat (Fire): Kimi Katsuni
  3. Three-tailed Turtle (Water): Kuhaku
  4. Four-tailed Monkey (Lava/Fire/Earth): Gemini Starr
  5. Five-tailed Dolphin Horse (Boil/Fire/Water): Itsumo Yonaka
  6. Six-tailed Slug (Ice/Water/Wind):
  7. Seven-tailed Horned Beetle (Wind/Lightning/Swift): Zenl
  8. Eight-tailed Ox (Earth/Water/Wood): Syro Kinata
  9. Nine-tailed Fox (Fire/Wind): Hikaru Daishi
  10. Ten-tailed ??? (Lightning (in the form of magnetism)/Yin-Yang/Blaze): Tali
  1. Hokage: Jai'kar
  2. Mizukage:
  3. Raikage:
  4. Tsuchikage:
  5. Kazekage:
Accepted Profiles:

Username: Angelo
Name: Tali ???
Age: 11-12
Country: ---
Village: Village Hidden in the ???
Chakra: Light, Wind(Sound), Lightning
Rank: Genin?
Special Jutsu/Kekkei Genkei: No Kekkei Genkei, but she uses chakra to amplify the sound waves given off by the rings on her shakujo. That's the only "unique" technique she remembers.
Bio: She can't remember anything but her first name and that she woke up in a strange forest she had never seen before. (Rest will be explained as the RP progresses.)
Personality: She is generally very docile, though she has a tendency to be very forceful when she knows she's right, she gets angry, or people she knows and cares about are in mortal peril. She is rather humble and loyal to a fault, willing to sacrifice herself for her friends and family. Usually very kind and friendly, she has been known to be very mean and possibly nasty when she's having a bad day. She also gets embarrassed very easily and noticeably. Rare are the times that she's been able to hide it.

Weapon(s): Shakujo, and generic shinobi weapons (kunai, shuriken, etc.)

Username: Happydeath
Name: Hikaru Daishi
Age: 13
Country: Fire Country.
Village: Village Hidden In The leaf.
Chakra: Fire, lightning.
Rank: Genin.
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei): Has the Sharingan, working on trying to get the Mangekyo sharingan; but is unaware how to.
Bio: Hikaru was was born and raised in Konoha for as he could remember, the thing he didn't remember was when he was only two. Both his parents; which were both Uchihas making him one as well. The problem was, because the sixth hokage was getting older himself, that meant the seal on the Kyuubi was also weakening. Which meant another seal had to be placed, and another child had to hold it for their life. Unfortunately, Hikaru had to be the one to take it. Though, unlike how Naruto no one in the village nor any other village knew he had the nine-tailed beast inside him. So they didn't really treat him like he was a freak. The only people who knew about it were the sixth hokage himself, Hikaru's parents, and the new elders of Konoha.
Through his entire life, growing up seemed to be really easy for him. He passed the ninja academy pretty easily since he didn't have to go through the stress of knowing there was a monster inside him. Though, he wasn't exactly the smartest kid in the entire class; nor was he the dumbest or clumsiest. You could say that he was just acting like any other kid would act; sometimes he would be polite to everyone, but other times he could be a little trickster and have fun too.
Now that he had finally gotten out of the academy and was now a Genin; Hikaru was finally able to start doing missions like a real ninja. Surpringly enough though, unlike his parents; he was able to gain all three parts of the sharingan on his own; Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu. Meaning in other words, he is able to copy anyone's moves along with counter them as well.
Personality: Hikaru is kind of like a half and half kind of person. He doesn't always act the sameway all the time. Sometimes he'll be the quiet type that will just do what he is told without even an argument. But other times, he can be a pretty fun guy to be around with. He play jokes on the teachers and actually think about living life to the fullest.
Weapon(s): Has a pouch full of shurikens, ninja stars, and always carries a mid-sized katana that is sheathed most of the time on his back.
Username: Puppetmaster999
Name: Shavin
Age: 14
Country: Wind
Village: Sand
Chakra: Wind, Sand, Fire
Rank: Genin
Special Jutsu: Puppetmaster Justu
Bio: Shavin, like Gaara, was born to bear the Shukaku spirit. This was but Shavin had greater control over the spirit. HE doesn't sleep much. He travels to various places in the world and completes D and C rank missions. He is in a group with his best friends Gaine (M) and Niko (F).
He's been though the Chunin Exams once before and failed. Gaine had gotten to the last rounds and to a Leaf village student.
Gaine and Niko are currently missing. He suspects a group of rogue ninjas. He vowed to save them. And he will.
Personality: He is kind, although sometimes aloof. He doesn't like rude or crude people. He's often found alone training with his puppet, Con. He doesn't like people who pry in on his affairs. He keeps to himself mostly.
Weapon(s): Standard, Con (Puppet), sword
Appearance: Con:Click this bar to view the full image. without wheels on arms and completely black.
Shavin: His headband is worn to the right almost like Zabuza's
Username: Jadetiger70
Name: Zenl Quin Al'din
Age: 11
Country: Lightning
Village: Kumogakure
Chakra: Lightning, Wind, and Swift
Rank: Genin
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei): Ranmaru's Kekkei Genkai
Bio: Zenl grew up much like Naruto; hated and abandoned because of the demon inside of him. He was bullied and laughed at for his unfortunate circumstances, leaving him with a poor outlook on life. He has no idea that the tailed-beast resides inside of him, but occasionally he hears thoughts that aren't his own, something that scares him quite a bit. He ran away from his abusive family a few years ago, deciding that it would be better to living by himself. He's always been a wonderful student at the Kumogakure Ninja Academy, and is often sent on missions for the Raikage with his cell. He is currently working individually as an embassy from the Land of Lightning to try and convince the Land of Fire to join their side in the upcoming war.
Personality: He believes in a treat others as you want to be treated philosophy. He's polite, kind, and friendly to those who treat him the same way. Due to his status as a Jinchuriki and the hate of the people, he tends to be quite moody, often switching spontaneously. He's also pretty shy, as he feels he can never meet the expectations of those around him, and tends to be a loner because of it, although he's pretty open with those precious few he would call friends.
Weapon(s): Scythe, katana, general shinobi weapons.
Username: Zafiri Drakontas
Name: Jai'kar
Age: 34
Country: Fire
Village: Konoha
Chakra: Wind
Rank: Hokage
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei): Byakugan, Sage Mode
Bio: As the son of Hinata, he wasn't expected to do great at his studies at the Konoha Ninja Academy, but he still tried his hardest, surpassing most of the other ninja. He continued his training, rapidly becoming one of the best ninja in the village, even defeating a few Chunins in combat. He was really becoming a second Neji. When the Chunin exams came, he passed them with flying colors, easily moving on past the level of Genin. It wasn't too long before he became a Jonin, and caught the attention of the aging Hokage, who took him under his wing and trained him personally for three years. As such, he as learned to access Sage Mode, which lets him use the Natural energy around him to use jutsus and attacks. After they returned, Naruto, his mentor, announced that he was too be the next Hokage. These last four years have been spent trying to stop a war between the other four major countries.
Personality: Jai'kar is calculating, ,but compassionate. He can quickly see the advantages of taking certain actions, and the impact they will have on other people's lives. He also has a sense of humour, laughing at many jokes told in his presence, even if they're about him. In general, he is a well-respected leader who believes in working for your position in life.
Weapon(s): Generic Shinobi Weapons, Hands
Username: Tyson Munroe
Name: Syro Kinata
Age: 13
Country: Earth
Village: Kagero
Chakra: earth, water, wood
Rank: genin
Special jutsu: none
Bio: Born a jinchuriki Syro has lived most of this like as both a tool and slave of war. He was trained non-stop by jonin from his village. He was under constant watch stopping him from living a normal life. Much like Haku he thought his soul purpose was to give his life for his village. For the most post his spirit was damaged but not broken if it wasnt for a ninja from the leaf who took him in and showed him compassion. But as fate would bring them together, it would tare them apart just as fast. After being fatally wounded from his last mission he was sent to the hospital. There he would make peace and say his good-byes to Syro. Because the ninja had no relatives he gave everything he owned to Syro including his home in the konoha. With a new home and life Syro moves to the leaf village to start all over.
Personality: ever since his time with the leaf ninja, Syro has become a kind hearted person almost the same as garaa of the sand. He still has trouble trusting but tries harder to let certain people in.
Weapons: he carries a katana and the average shinobi tools.
Name: Itsumo Yonaka
Country: Wind
Village: Sand
Chakra: Wood, Earth
Rank: Genin
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei): Shikotsu Myaku
Bio: Itsumo was the last to graduate her class, making her feel rather dumb, but it was only because she had absolutely no control over her kekkei genkei and nearly killed the teacher once by accidentally sneezing and making bones shoot from the tip of her tongue because she didn’t cover her mouth. Her father, knowing how odd it was for a girl in her family to inherit the bloodline trait, promptly pulled her out of school so she could learn to better control her ability, and learn the traditional flower dances.
While she was out, she learned about Hone-onna, the legendary ‘bone woman’ of the Yonaka family, and how she was the only other woman to have ever been born with the ability to control shikotsu myaku. The elders of the family believe her to be the reincarnation of Hone-onna, and wished to send her off to the family’s native country of water so she could serve in Hone-onna’s temple and learn from the great teacher Tai-tsu. Though she objected, she was sent away to the water country anyway. While there she learned many more of the flower dances, and even made up many of her own. After two years of intense, laborious training will Tai-tsu, he finally granted her permission to return home.
After her return, she was re-enrolled in school and finished out her basic ninja training with children much younger than her. She worked hard to catch up to the others, and was eventually rewarded on her graduation day when she was presented as top of the class.
Personality: Bubbly and fun to be around most of the time, but she has a tendency to anger easily when presented something that she doesn’t agree with. She has a bit of a ‘mother hen’ complex, and can often be found scolding her younger brothers and sisters, or even village children, when they are out of line in her eyes. She is fiery in battle and won’t hesitate to make the first move because she is impatient, and never wants to let the other person get the upper hand on her. She often uses tactics that could be considered ‘sneaky’ or ‘unorthodox’ but it is only because she is fueled by an insatiable need for victory.
Weapon(s): Standard; her kekkei genkei allows for her to make various weapons from her bones

Sorry for her age =_=….. I would also like to apply for the Eight-tailed ox if it is still available
Name:Kimi Katsuni
Village: (Once lived in a place called)Hidden Spirit Village
Chakra: Fire, Shadow, Wind
Rank: Genin
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei):Summoning Pact Beasts of a different Attribute,Black/Blue flames, Poison
Bio: The past always returns to me in my dreams, the Hokage was not the savior of our village he was a tyrant. The bring of Death, and animosity thats when my abilities seemed to show after the bloody bath of my parents death, there blood all around me..My screams called to the spirit of rage and hatred. Kogan came to me then a massive wolf creature of Ice, encasing my pain into the endless coldness..He saved me from my fate, yet the fire burns...What should I do know
Guardian summoned pact beast: Kogan-The Wolf beast of Ice

Personality: Kimi Katsuni is very Reserved, yet Calm, A has a bit of a Sadist side when she finds something of interest, but she is Loyal to her dearest friends aside from her trust issues, once you break her icy exterior you got a innocent child. always had a Kind and pure heart but that two is locked in the ice her guardian protects her with, only those who truly know her, or get to befriend her see that this cold nature of hers is only a front. She is also very elegant and graceful but she does have a mean streak towards her enemy's. She takes things smoothly and doesn't panic in a fight, she is always 4 steps ahead when it comes to tactics. She always sees a way to succeeded, and can be very respectful unless she finds you not worthy of her respect. She my look like a child but her knowledge of hidden techniques goes past that of a Genin
Weapon(s):Varies is able to wield any weapon, But specializes in metal fan weapons, and a whip like blade weapons such as these this



Username: Demon King Dante
Name: Kuhaku
Country: water
Village: hidden in the mist
Chakra: ice
Rank: Genin
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei): hyouton creation (haku's ice manipulation)
Bio: when kuhaku was born the village elders cursed him with the three-tailed beast. when he was old enough to think of reason many people realized his potential in combat and signed him up at the academy at the age of 7. through out the years at the academy Kuhaku worked hard to try to be the best but was unable to succeed because the beast inside him made his chakra unstable. vowing he would take total control of the monster he trained even harder with his father until eventually his blood line limit awakened within him giving him the strength he needed to control it. when he graduated from the academy his father gifted him with two sword hilts that were able to combine with Kuhaku's chakra to make ice blades. Shortly after his father was killed by rouge ninja. Being the heir to the hyouton creation Kuhaku swore to carry on his father's legacy and someday try to bring the countries back together
Personality: prides himself in his ninjutsu and hates it when people look down on him. usually sarcastic and gets really annoyed when asigned a low rank mission. sometimes gets attatched to easily but if you truely are his friend he will protect you with everything he has
Weapon(s): two special made sword hilts that combine with his chakra to make ice blades
Appearance: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x800 and weights 124KB.
one blue eye one red
Name:Gemini Starr
Chakra: fire,earth,wind
Rank: Genin
Special Jutsu:Beast Speech-can talk to animals & animal spirits.
Bio: Gemini was born and raised in the sand village,and it's still a mystery to most as to how two jinchuriki ended up in the same village.she had only her mother and father,and when she was very young they both died in battle.gemini was left to fend for herself,and lived on the streets as a age seven she found that she could hear and speak to animals and beast spirits.she used that to survive.because of this ability,she learned that there was another like her in the village.she started looking for him,and found him when she was ten.he turned out to be a year older than her.his name was Shavin,and she was instantly attracted to him.unfortunately,she was too shy to approach,she enrolled in the academy and became a ninja.she has no specific team as of yet,and generally just goes on missions herself.for the past three years she has lived alone with only her ninja's salary to sustain her.she sometimes watches Shavin from afar(kind of hinata-like) but still can't quite work up the courage to approach him.
Personality:Gemini is a shy person,but hides it with a tough exterior.she is a loner and generally keeps to herself.gemini is curious,and has a very short temper.she can be loyal to a fault,and if she had any friends she would defend them to the death.her temper can sometimes get her into trouble on missions,but she is clever from life on the streets and always gets out of it.
Weapon(s): katana,standard,summoning scroll
her eyes are emerald green and she had a cross shaped scar on her left cheek,and a rose tatoo on her upper right arm like
Jinchuriki: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 962x621 and weights 31KB.
Originally Posted by Cassidy Lebeau
Username: Cassidy Lebeau
Name: Yagura Sumimura
Age: 14
Country: Water
Village: Kirigakure
Chakra: Ice, Water, and Wind
Rank: Genin
Special Jutsu(Kekkei Genkei): No Kekkei Genkei, but he has his own technique called Triple Prong Burst.
Bio: Yagura was unlucky from the moment he was born. His father was a ninja from the Hidden Leaf, but his mother was the daughter of a member of the Village’s top elite, the Sumimura Clan. The council didn’t approve of this union and issued a warning to the two. They married immediately after the warning was sent to them. Little did the council know, the young woman was pregnant with Yagura. When the Village’s group of elite found this out, they were outraged and killed his father, but allowed his mother to live, only so they could embed the Six-tailed Slug in Yagura. His mother named him in remembrance of the Fourth Mizukage and hoped he would live up to his greatness without any of his cruelty.

After the sealing process, Yagura was no longer his mother’s, he was a tool of Kirigakure. He was treated terribly; living in a dungeon and surviving mainly on moldy bread, fish and vegetables. At the age of 8, he was sent to the Academy and mangled everyone at the examination, including the instructors, but he left them alive. The young Genin walked out of the building, covered in blood and his expression was completely blank. He was tasked with multiple missions, mainly assassinations for the Water Country. Yagura works alone on missions and his latest mission is to kill his fellow Jinchurikis: Gemini, Itsumo, Zenl and Shavin.

Personality: Yagura is a solitary ninja, keeping to himself when he is with others. He never shows any true emotions unless it is necessary, which is mostly never and his face remains blank. He doesn’t talk when he is with a group of other ninja, but he will protect them out of duty instead of loyalty. Yagura loves his trident because of how many missions he completed with it, not realizing his father was the one who made it.
Weapon(s): A trident, shurikens and explosive tags.
He has a scar going down his left eye. The hoodie is replaced by a small, teal open jacket and his protector is on the back of his jacket’s collar.

Last edited by Angelo; 03-10-2011 at 09:43 PM..