Thread: Ahh! A witcher!
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emeraldeye is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 06:38 AM

"Why fight the thing now, then leave without taking care of the person who created it? Even if you manage to kill this koshchey, won't another one be created to take it's place?"

"It's not my problem. More than that there's no money being offered for it. No money means no food," Gawel said. Then he sighed figuring Sara would want more than that. "Look, the fact of the fact of the matter is we don't have the time to investigate it further. Kaer Morhen is up in the mountains, winter comes sooner there. If we don't leave soon then the passes will be closed and it will be a slim winter. Whoever summoned it will likely still be when the snow melts. Koshcheys take time and effort to summon a lot of resources that will take time to gather. We can return then." He paused, then said, "Alternatively, I can leave after I've been paid an you can remain to chace it down. The choice is yours," he finished. He leant back against the chair to await her reply. He hoped that she would put her stubbornness to rest over this as, despite himself he enjoyed her company. But he also had business in Kaer Morhen that could not wait till next year.