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psyrien is offline
Old 12-31-2010, 07:30 AM

We all want to be different. We all think our troubles are the worst in the world. Everything the I go through is a special circumstance--relatable to no one else!


I won't deny that each person is distinctly special in their own right, but their situations really are not as different as they seem. No one is honestly that special. Most of us just like to complain a lot. "People just don't understand me!" It's the common complaint. Well, dear, do you understand whom your complaining about? I've found it makes life much more pleasant if one looks at the story from all angles before opening one's mouth.

Really, what do you get from muttering and moaning? You just tell yourself that there's nothing you can do about it and that the whole world is against you. It's not a very fun place to be. I'm not saying to stop doing it completely because then you'd bottle it all up and explode into a great mess of suppressed issues, but I'm suggesting you take time to think.

Yes, think. And yes, about all of it. Not just when someone does something horrible to you like break your heart--of course, you should also practice this in that circumstance as well--but when the small things happen like when someone cuts in line or doesn't say hi back. The deciding factor is in the details!

So just consider it. It won't change anything right away, but little by little, if you keep doing it, you'll start feeling better. The thing is that you don't even know that you need to feel better. But dear, please just trust me on this.