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Zafiri Drakontas
Zafiri Drakontas is offline
Old 01-13-2011, 03:34 AM

((No, I'm the Hokage. :P You know, Angelo's friend.:)))

"Yes?" Jai'kar, seventh Hokage of the Country of Fire asked as he registered the knock at his door. He had sent all the guards home early that day, seeing as how he didn't really need them all the time. He activated his Byakugan and quickly scanned who was on the other side of the door. "Oh, Hikaru. Enter. And I know about your mission, Shavin. The Kazekage delivered a message explaining your unfortunate circumstances. But I don't, on the other hand, know who the small girl is. Hikaru, I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me your report first. I'll take care of you two afterwards, okay? Just step outside for a few moments." He went back to his letter after finishing, waiting for his orders to be followed.