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Shadami is offline
Old 01-21-2011, 02:59 PM

"Of course your Rebecca, i knew that already didn't I?" Tohru turned to look at Rebecca with a huge smile, "Hey want to join in the arm link thing too? We can be like the yellow brick road crew!" She held out her arm for her new friend as she started humming the song from the infamous movie as she continued leading them around the school pointing out things. "This is the awesome fountain that we aren't supposed to play in, but its fun to do anyways." She inclined her head towards a set of buildings. "That's where the main academic classes are, and where Mr. Onis' office and main classroom is, and a bunch of the other teachers offices too. And the building next to it is where there is a bunch of element specific classes. " She took a deep breath, "And somewhere way over there across the field and through the woods is a lake. It's really big and there are electrical storms there all the time!"