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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 05:46 AM

Becca's pale face lit up in scarlet. Slowly lowering her eyes, she stared at the shoes on her feet. You shouldn't do that. It isn't good for you. She didn't deserve to be looking at someone like that. Reaching up to fiddle with a bit of her hair, the girl tried to focus on what Jaz was saying. The only problem was that the metal-elementalist had chosen that moment to fall silent.
As the quiet grew between them, Rebecca felt her warm cheeks burn darker. Had it been obvious that she was staring at the boy in the corner? Feeling ashamed of her uncontrolled actions, the girl's brown eyes darted back to Archen in apology. She then refocused on trying to stretch, as her new friend was doing. Do something worth doing. It's the only way to get anything in life.