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Meko Snow
Meko Snow is offline
Old 01-30-2011, 06:36 PM

Harlen's eyes looked to the stage as she stared at the pair. The girl Alice was rather beautiful she seemed to have a strange resemblance to Draco the head master of slithering. She had heard from the other girls around her all about him then about Hermione and the fall out between her brother and her. She felt sick as she knew her name would be up soon enough. She wasn't at all excited about it or having to face the shorting hat all she needed was to land in either one of the houses and it would be a fight. She smiled as she saw the guy that went up with Alice he was kind of cute in some strange way to her. She was happy so far no one had noticed her and that not even her brother. She knew that Hagwart and the professors knew she was coming this year they had helped convene the animals of the forest it was time for her to come and let her live in the real world away from them and the dark forest that she had called home. She sunk in her set as she met the gaze that Hagwart was giving her along with a warm smile. Her eyes widen as she heard the head master say one name before hers and knew she would soon have to face everyone here. If she was luckily they would tell her she was a liar and kick our out then she could go back home where she belonged. She had wanted to enter Durmstrang instead but Hagwart and the others would not hear of it. She was to powerful with her magic to be here learning charms she had been taught to defend herself and to hunt the monsters that so many needed for spells.

Ron looked up as he saw the new arrivals being called out and welcomed waiting to see what house the shorting hat would place each in. "Hey Harry doesn't that girl look like some one we know." He said as he shifted his eyes to see Draco. The pair looked at one another before both saying at the same time. "Malfoy." He shook his head as he looked to his plate. "Great there went my appetite I was thinking she was pretty till I saw Malfoy in her. Well Malfoy would make a pretty girl in that case. I just hope she want end up like Hermione. "You know I miss Hermione I think we should comfort her tonight and put a end to this. She is our friend rather she wants to be or not we have been threw to much for her to just grow a big head and lock herself away besides Hagwart said we had to she doesn't come see him now and he blames it on me. Why is it always me Harry. No matter what happens it is always my fault just ask my mum."

Alexandor Parkinson sat at the head of the table as he and some of the new bloods had just entered the halls of Hogwarts already know their places. He was to go to slithering of course. Not that he cared if he didn't. He was only staying here a year then heading back to DurmStrang where he belonged a long with the five other guys who had came with him up on the request of Draco's father. He had paid for all new things for them each to come this one year and help to make sure that Draco behaved and he himself there to protect his sister. He looked about the room as his eyes met Draco's a wicked grin rose on his lips as the others that where will him did the same letting him know this year would be hell for him. They where not freshmen nor sophomores they where jurors and knew dark magic that would make that wimp of a boy scream in pain. The group sat together as they looked back down to their plates and waited to be introduced to their new classmates and house. If Draco thought this year was going to be a piece of cake he was wrong. He had made a deal with Alexandor's father and his own not to mention one more powerful. If Drako dared to sway from their agreement he and the others would teach him a thing or two about the dark arts something that Drako no matter how he tried seem to fail at.

Last edited by Meko Snow; 01-30-2011 at 07:12 PM..