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Yue Eztilli
Yue Eztilli is offline
Old 02-02-2011, 02:29 AM

~ Sin of Angels ~ Demons of Virtues ~

Ever since their creation Angels and Demons have fallowed their stereotypes. Angels, beings of light who do not crave, can not fall to Sloth, Gluttony, or Greed. Do not anger or show Wrath. They feel Pride only of others. They do not Lust after or Envy another. Demons, those who live in shadows, feel Pride only for themselves, want for everything or everyone, Envy everything, fell Sloth and Gluttony at all times
But the thing both were
Born never to do
was fall in Love
Humans have gone through many evolutions, so it should have come as no surprise that these higher creatures were able to as well. But it did. Angels and Demons grew and broke their pattern, their ‘molds'. Angels fell to Sin, and Demons fell out of Sin.
But both grew the
ability to Love
But not all evolved, in fact only a few have. The majority still hold to the old ‘mold', hunting the new. Plus God and Satan have no clue as to who created these new ‘molds'. All they know was it all started when the greatest taboo happened.
An Angel loved a Demon, and the Demon returned it...

"Celenia, a great Angel of Light, was sent down to Earth to scout for invading Demon troops. Nathan, a powerful Demon lord, was leading an army to Earth's surface.
When they came face-to-face, the world had stopped, just a moment, for the two.
Then the only thing heard was a voice from no where.
‘I give you both the freedom, the freedom to choose thy path, choose what you want, each other or the old ways. Choose wisely, for it is not only your own, but that of the future.'
The two looked each other in the eyes, studying the other. Then as if reading each other's mind, agreeing wordlessly to explore this new feeling
It was years later, after they had fallen to their personal Sin, when God and Satan both put out a hunt for the two.
They fled to Earth and hid, for hundreds of years, never found.
But it was too late, the wheels of fate were on motion. More would soon fallow into this taboo."

Now Thousands of years later these same creatures, be they of new or old, grew the abilities to love another, along with fall to sin or rise to virtue. But those few who have had to hide it, for a new hunt was out, for those who could love.
Now is where out story begins and out answers play out.
How did this start?
Who made them?
And Why do it?


~ Rules ~ Fallow Them ~

1. Fallow the menewsha
FOurum guid Lines
2. PM me profiles
Title is
"Love is YOU & Me"
3. THis is a Lit RP
(at least a Paragraph)
4. Be nice
I am god here
5. Cussing and Romance
6. Post at least
once a week
or your out of here


~ Character ~ Outline ~

~Angels & Demons ~

(Img here)
[COLOR="Color 1"]::Username::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Person Playing)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Name::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Character Full name)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Race::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Angel or Demon)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Aage::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(be reasonable)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Gender::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Female/Male)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Personality::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Beifly describe them)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Weapon::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(at most three)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Power::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Only one, describe it)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Biography::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(any length, but descriptive)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Extra::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Wing color, all that stuff)~[/COLOR]

(Img here)
[COLOR="Color 1"]::Username::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Person Playing)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Name::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Character Full name)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Race::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~Human~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Aage::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(at most 30)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Gender::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Female/Male)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Personality::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(Beifly describe them)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Weapon::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(at most one, if you want one)~[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 1"]::Biography::[/COLOR] [COLOR="Color 2"]~(any length, but descriptive)~[/COLOR]

Last edited by Yue Eztilli; 02-02-2011 at 06:27 PM..