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Yue Eztilli
Yue Eztilli is offline
Old 02-04-2011, 12:42 AM

Artemis smiled as he handed back her weapons, in a rather unusual manner, but none the less she put her bow back along with her sais. She giggled a bit as his stomach growl, then blushed when hers did too. "Yes, that's true. They even use to come from miles around, just to hear a good story." She sighed "I have a bit of money, we could go get something to eat...somewhere cheap..." She then pouted "And I didn't steal it, you dropped it." She crossed her arms, then sensing a human mind she closed her eyes and put on her glamor, hiding her wings, and changing her cloths to jeans and a tee shirt. She looked down "Man I really need to change this style..." She shrugged "oh well"

Anaed slurped on her drink till she was sure there wasn't any left, then turned and tossed it in the trash. As she was lowering her arm she sniffed then looked around. 'it feels like someone is fallowing me...' She caught a glimpse of colors, but that was all. 'Oh well' She started walking again, her i-pod blaring, not caring about how it bothered others.

Last edited by Yue Eztilli; 02-04-2011 at 01:32 AM..