Thread: Palmoun & Arc
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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in exchange for your immortal soul.
Arc Angel is offline
Old 02-08-2011, 03:32 AM

Veila looked at Ulric with a smile when she realized that the small demons started to slowly come out, but her smile quickly faded to a grin when she heard him mention why they were so unsure of her. "Oh." she said simply, looking forwards as he gave her a push, both of he hands going to hold onto the chains holding her swing firmly. A second or so later, though, she smiled again, looking over at the demon creatures, "That's good to know." she then paused to observe them, "Some of them sure are cute." Veila let out a small laugh before glancing behind her at Ulric, "Thanks for the push, Ulric. Now are you gonna swing with me or what?" She asked playfully, gesturing to the empty swing next to her.