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At Your Service
harakun is offline
Old 02-11-2011, 01:12 AM

Scuba-diving? That sounded interesting but it'd be a lot more interesting if Léan were to come along. "I'll ask," he said with a nod and a bright grin, "Though... I'd rather if you were to tag along, too." Turning to look back at Hebs, the male went over to get the now empty crate. Without the tunas, it was a lot lighter.

"And... I'll wake him up." Hebs took the crate from him and he grinned his way. He motioned to the tent where Alfie's sleeping in and went off to prepare his, Alfie's and Gian's meal.

Gian knocked on the door to Alfie's place and he shoved his cold hand into the confines of his pocket. He wasn't exactly sure if a knock would suffice waking him up but he'd tried adding in another approach. "Alfie? Hebs asked me to come get you for breakfast." The man tried for Alfie's knob. If it were open, then he might be able to wake Alfie up easily.