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Seeker of Dankness, Defender of geeks and nerds everywhere
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IchirusVampireGirl is offline
Old 02-14-2011, 02:50 PM

Yukina jumped up looking at him.”really?!”,she said happily.”give her a call and I'll head down there right away!”,she said and happily and ran out the door, heading to Yusei and Crow.

* * * * *

Yusei sighed. “I have no idea ... when I woke up I was here ... and so was Yukina”,he said calmly. “At first I though I was dreaming but, I guess I'm not ....”, he said softly then blinked seeing Yukina come running out. Then relizeing he had ditched her he felt bad.

Yukina came to a stop in-front of Yusei and Crow, “good news, your friend Jack may be in rush valley ... I'm heading there now, you two should stay here in-case your other friends show up”

Yusei frowned some. “but ,Yukina are you sure you should go alone?”

Yukina looked at him.”of course , I'm not rushing into danger .... see you when I get back!”,she said running to her bike that had been returned, putting her helmet on she took off down the road.

Yusei sighed. “you better be careful” , he muttered softly.