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MintyRey is offline
Old 02-15-2011, 08:16 AM

I have an entry for Image #1!
My Valentine Caption: Compared to you, all the supermodels in the world look like this.

I have an entry for Image #2!
My Valentine Caption: Things just aren't the same when I'm not with you.

I have an entry for Image #3!
My Valentine Caption: Apparently you're so sweet that the lollipop I was gonna give you had to go see his doctor on account of diabetes!

I have an entry for Image #4!
My Valentine Caption:
I can't shake the feeling that we were made for each other.

I have an entry for Image #5!
My Valentine Caption: She'll always be there for you when times are tough.

I have an entry for Image #6!
My Valentine Caption: No matter where you go stumbling drunk, know that I'll always be there to find you and take you home, honey. Hopefully before you start streaking and hitting on the cops again.

I have an entry for Image #7!
My Valentine Caption: I remember that day we had the earth as our aisle and the sky as our cathedral ceiling. It was a great day, that's for sure. But you know what? Nothing fills my heart with greater joy than knowing that after all these years you're still here by my side, lovin' me like we haven't aged at all.

I have an entry for Image #8!
My Valentine Caption: I know three songs that would go well with this situation. And I would sing them for you had my head not just been blasted by the intensity of your love for me.

I have an entry for Image #9!
My Valentine Caption: 34 double dates since our very first crazy one and we're still the only couple who have never stood each other up. Words cannot describe how much I love you!

I have an entry for Image #10!
My Valentine Caption: Thank you for sticking with me despite all those times my brothers tried to turn your car into a makeshift rocket with nitro, fireworks, gunpowder, and what else have you. Or when they nearly set your hair on fire trying to barbecue the turkey with gasoline last Thanksgiving. Or when they filled your apartment with piglets while they cleaned out their house. didn't know that?....Did I mention how much I love you?