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a little earth soul
TerrenaAnimula is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 12:35 PM

Good morning!

Hope you dentist appointment goes/went well, Granny!

I don't remember the last time I had a caivity...may have been a year or two...once I changed to different toothpaste I stopped getting them. The only reason I changed because he told me so because my enamel is so thin. At first he gave me a prescription toothpaste (for free because I couldn't afford it and my mom couldn't afford it...he's nice and works with people who cannot afford things). But the last time I went he didn't mention it and didn't give me another one...but he was also in a rush because he was running behind.

He also told me to use that at night and use Pronamel by Synsodine in the morning. I still use the pronamel in the morning...but at night I use Colgate Pro-Clinical Daily Renewal (although right now I've been using it because I need to get the new tube of pronamel out of the closet... XD)