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Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 11:16 PM

"I'm sure, even if you fell, someone would catch you. Being so far from our act it wouldn't suprise me if you found herself flying on the back of the pegasus. He seems to like saving women." He laughed imagining just that happening. The crowd would probably think it was part of the act. "I do look good for my age, don't I? You don't have to answer that." He ran his hand through his hair then flipped it winking at Scarlett. "Well thank you. I'm sure Ahanna would express the same if she was listening." He looked down at his costume. "Why yes, she makes all of our clothes and costumes, along with all of the herbal things. She used to sew everything by hand but she has a machine now. Though I believe she hand sewed these. And thank you. I know she takes great pride in the things she makes. I'm sure if you talked to her she would make you a costume. She loves to make things that others enjoy and since I don't care as much she would love to find someone who could talk to her about those things. Though I've always thought your outfits were lovely."