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Eastriel is offline
Old 02-20-2011, 09:46 AM

I’ve made something pretty for Vicky <3
Category: Wearable
Description: it's a valentines hair bow, made by hand, with love for my friend Pa-pancake, shortly after this entry it will be mailed halfway across the world to her ^^ Any imperfections show it was hand crafted with love, (cause love aint perfect!)
Entry: the finished product:

me modelling it:
Participation prize I'd like: I'd love the halo! (can't remember the exact name D; )

I’ve made something pretty for Vicky <3
Category: I think this is classed as a decoration (not sure, if you think it belongs in something else move it pweasee >.<)
Description: This is a sock monster I made for my mummy on valentines day. The toy is made of 2 socks, so great recycling!
Please note: with the entry images, The one in bad quality was taken on webcam due to not having access to a camera - the others are better quality, because I took them a few days ago but forgot to put my name on them to prove they're mine, so the webcam pic acts as proof! ^^ (oh and I added a heart on the webcam one! cause i love my mummy :'D)
Entry: proof:
better pic:
and a close up:
Participation prize I'd like: halo ^^

P.s if there's any problem with my entry please let me know!