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peurky is offline
Old 02-21-2011, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Ebil View Post
A bed. Nothing else. My ideal room would have white walls, a white rug, and a white bed. Nothing else at all. Everything the same shade of white too, the kind of room that you'd go snow blind in XD
Unfortunately I can't do that right now, as I have nowhere else for all my stuff to go, so there's shelves of books, cd's, dvds, assorted bits and pieces all over which makes me frowny. I'd love to just have a bed room with a bed and nothing else in it. Completely clutter free. Would be so relaxing not to be distracted by things in here all the time.
When I win the lottery, and can build my 'dream house', I'm having that for me room. I'll have separate rooms for 'stuff' to go in and the bedroom will just be a bedroom and nothing else :)
theire will not have a lot of color in your bedroom :P