Thread: selling YamiSora's Shop of Hearts
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YamiSora is offline
Old 02-22-2011, 05:44 AM

8>Shop of Hearts<3
(not really selling's just a name ^^')

Sora is selling and trading and the lists are both in order by price.

For trading, Sora is willing to trade with an item in my inventory with an item in my list below under "Willing to Trade"
When trading, the item you are giving me must be the same gold or more (for whatever reason) as my item that you want.

FYI: These are the items that Sora DOES NOT HAVE but instead WANTS! instead of giving me gold, these are the items you trade me with.

Thank you and thanks for at least stopping by! *bows*

Last edited by YamiSora; 02-22-2011 at 05:56 AM..