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MI x RAZA is offline
Old 03-01-2011, 10:16 PM

"Ok hold on let me call him one sec. Rose walks into the other room and calls spike and a few seconds later she comes running out. "BULL, DRAGEN GO to the track there out there and he said there going to need a little help Getting out of there Spike said 7 dosent want to change he hasent fully learnd how to control it so please hurry and stay saff ok." Dragen goes over to Rose and takes her hand. "Dont worry we'll ba safe just watch Natali and make sure she dosent hurt her self because 7 would kill us if she did, ok baby trust me we'll be home soon ok, love you." Dragen starts to get ready really fast. He walks by Natali and says. "Dont worry about a thing i give you my word that ill bring him back to you safe and sound." Bull and Dragen get on there bikes and raced out of there.