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Guess who's back~ For those who don't know me, I'm Shikabane Hime~
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Gothika_Knight is offline
Old 03-04-2011, 04:45 PM

Akloria stood on a building looking over the city, sitting on the ledge watching cars and people go by. Her blood red dress ruffled in the wind as she jumped off the ledge and started to fly in the air. Akloria had been dead for three years and became a spirit reaper somehow, she wasn't entirely sure on how she became one but as long as she wasn't with her father anymore she didn't care. The odd thing able her was that everyone that Akloria had on was either black, blood red or pitch black. When Akloria stands on the floor, her long hair would often touch the floor, Akloria would try to cut her hair but every time she did that, her hair would just grow back to the same length. She really never understood some of the things about her, like her scythe. Twisted, pitch black and blood red with a blade that can cut through anything seemed to weigh a ton and yet when she picks it up, the weapon is as light as a feather.

Not paying attention, Akloria almost flew into a building. Quickly going around she saw a girl leaving her house and started to walk down the street, looking through windows of stores, "I wonder what she's doing?" Akloria thought to herself as she landed in a near by alley and started to watch and follow the girl to the stores she walked to, while passing two odd people wearing nothing but black and white clothes. Curiousity continued taking over her body so she just continued following the girl seeing what she was doing.