Thread: buying and selling UPDTD 03/03/11 Welcome back 2katty2
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2katty2 is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 09:55 AM

Chose one evening a week to get to know people. Go out and do things in places that you will run into new people. Sooner or later you will meet some people that will interest you in a boyfriend kind of way and then just go from there....

As for our buying a house... It seems like every few days they come up with more and new rules and things we have to pay our of our pockets for... They keep adding it all to the closing cost list... This inspection, that inspection... I have to tell you that it can be a real pain in the bootie!!! hehehe

I can't believe how well this Cliff and I move turned out to be. For the most part I am %100 perfectly happy... I mean he is a guy, and guys can be a little weird sometimes but for the most part he takes really great care of me. I just got really luck when I met Cliff is all I can say about that...

I have had 2 LONG TERM relationships in the past. They sure didn't work out very well but this time I did it right. Cliff and I became friends before we actually went as far as girlfriend/boyfriend.

I think that is what made the difference and why I finally have a relationship/partnership that works...

We like each other and we are friends underneath the rest of everything else. Oh both he and I have our faults as no one is perfect but it seems like my bad points are his strong points and his bad points are my strong points so we just kind of blend in together pretty well...

That is the only type of relationship that I want for my friends... A good and respectful one where each person adds to the partnership!!! So take your time so that you pick the right one for you... Remember to make a deep friendship before you take it all the way to the boyfriend/girlfriend part of the relationship... Now that we are a couple we hardly ever disagree about anything... We almost never get mad at each other.

Shoot I have to go to bed and get some sleep. It is almost 2 am here. I am on Grandma duty tomorrow afternoon early evening in town... My Son has a meeting he has to go to and I am one of the few people that are allowed to watch the girls while he is at various functions and meetings.

So for now,
Smiles and Hugs to you my friend!!!

Don't forget to PM me your FB nickname so I can try to find you tomorrow!!!