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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 05:18 AM

Lerieh disregarded Sephiroth completely. When she turned to leave, the Templar stood still for a few moments. He was irked - that was obvious. There was hardly a time when he wasn't, really. Taking a slow breath to calm himself, the tall male turned his attention back to Helena and Aelyn. It was right around that time when the sounds of battle reached his ears. Bloodshed seemed to call to him, and his blue eyes scanned over the two women before he turned away. This wasn't worth dealing with.
With a dismissive wave, the beserker drew his blade once again. The riot was calling out to him in a way that was irresistable. Upon seeing the Templars on the losing end of the fight, Sephiroth felt a rage slip over him. Letting the anger and emotion take control, his features contorted in a mask of anger. Die, wretched fools. Two-handed sword flashing out, he used his own momentum and speed to knock the magic users aside. Blood sprayed from one of the mages he struck - they'd lost a hand as they tried to fend off Sephiroth's blade.

Seeing the neko from earlier, Sephiroth felt himself drawn in her direction. Giving the nearest mage a vicious shove, he spat at the man's feet. A few others cowered back as the beserker growled. It gave him a clear shot to get to Shiloh and Lerieh. The moment he stepped up, he saw another Templar as well.
"Inpertinent pig," Sephiroth hissed, striking with speed unthought of for his size. Snagging Shiloh's throat, he lifted her into the air once again. Not only did he dislike her in the first place, but his beserker rage was like a veil over his sight. Blood dripped from his jaw as he glared up at Shiloh, his grip on her tightening.
She was weak. Now was the time to get rid of her.

((:XD If his abnoxious attacking every few seconds makes someone mad, just let me know. :lol:))