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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 04-07-2011, 10:12 PM

Name: Tao Xing
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Bio: Xing was the heir to the Tao family before he was disowned. Like the rest of his family, he'd been trained to kill and hate all those around him. Unlike the rest of his family, he actually had morals; he wanted to have friends, not enemies. When he ran away the first time, he was dismayed to discover that he was followed by one of his family's servants and brought back to face his father. A year later, he rebelled, earning himself disownment from his entire family. The only one who felt that he had a good mind was Bason, the spirit who had served the Tao clan for centuries. The same night Xing was disowned, he ran away from home for the last time, moving to Japan.
Xing's likes are chili, anime & manga, reading, and sleeping in. His dislikes are nuts, getting up early, high school, and girls.

Name: Elliot Bending Willow
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Bio: Elliot--called El by her friends--is from Lexington, VA and part of the Huron Nation. She's a Native American, showing up in Tokyo for the Shaman Fight. Her grandmother is the medicine woman for her local clan, meaning that it wasn't a surprise when Elliot was born with the abilities of a shaman. She's often seen reading some kind of science fiction book or toying with some sort of technology, considering how she's a techno-geek.
Elliot's likes are pizza, reading, playing with the latest tech, and messing with people's heads. Her dislikes are boys, math, and her friends always trying to get her to go to the mall.

Name: Nala
Age: About 250-300
Gender: Female
Bio: Nala is (or was) a fox demon. Even in life, she preferred taking a human shape, so it makes sense that as a spirit she had a human shape as well. She teamed up with Elliot ten years before the Shaman Fight began, when Elliot saw her up a tree, looking rather lonely. Ever since then the two have been partners. The item that represents her is a fox totem necklace that Elliot wears around her neck.
Nala's likes are trees, nature in general, watching Elliot draw. Her dislikes are car exhaust ("IT STINKS!!!"), boredom, jerks.

Name: Spire
Age: About 1500
Gender: Male
Bio: Spire is the spirit of a bald eagle and spirit partner to Elliot, along with Nala. He partnered up with Elliot about a year before she headed to Japan to participate in the Shaman Fight, and can often be seen soaring above in the sky or perching on her shoulder. The item that represents him is a feathered hairpiece that Elliot always wears, which is made of bald eagle feathers.
Spire's likes are fish, pestering Nala (bored...), and flying in between buildings. His dislikes are concrete, Elliot's procrastination, and idiots.