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Angelo is offline
Old 04-19-2011, 02:09 AM

Shizu was so caught up in her chase, that she failed to notice Tok's actions, at least until Tok grabbed her by the shoulder, inadvertently pulling her feet out from under her. Blankly, she stared up at Tok, no recognition in her gaze. Without a conscious thought, Shizu turned her shoulder to fire, easily slipping through Tok's fingers and continuing down the hallway. Though Shizu hadn't heard a word Tok had said, the older girl had been right. If it weren't for Shizu's ability to sense heat, and the fact that they wanted her to follow, she would have never been able to find them again.

She went around various turns and dips in the cave, very few of them natural, as she chased the men down. Eventually, she ended up in a large cavern filled with people. Stopping, she stared after the two, who had disappeared among the crowd. Only one man stood out, even through Shizu's hazy thoughts. He was a large man, having black hair with what appeared to be red highlights. He was also wearing nightmarish armor, obviously having prepared for combat. His skin was deathly pale and his eyes were a haunting gold. Upon making eye contact, Shizu felt her feet move her tiny body toward the dais, and the man's sickening smile.

"Eh, buzz off, Moody," Jai'kar said dismissively. "Can't you see we're celebrating here?" He went to take another swig of his ale, but stopped when he smelt burning air, or ozone to be more specific. Another smile lit up his face when he realized who such a scent could belong to. As his eyes connected with the girl's, he cast his spell, entrancing her as securely as before, though he would break it later. Torturing his captives had always amused him. Anxiously, he watched her walk toward him, listening carefully for her friends.