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Guess who's back~ For those who don't know me, I'm Shikabane Hime~
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Gothika_Knight is offline
Old 04-24-2011, 02:40 AM

Moldavia flew through the air until she was started by a voice on the complink, "Lady Moldavia, are you there?" the familiar voice said to her, "Drake you startled me. What is it?" she asked flapping her wings harder to stay afloat. "We have trouble. I have 1 dead and 2 critically wounded, I need you help getting them back to the base. Our position is South of the base, a few miles from it actually." Drake ,jkiosaid in a calm voice as he checked the the two near death troops. "Ok here I come." she said zooming to the South as fast as she could.

Drake watched over the wounded troops as he waited for Moldavia. His chains moved and clinged together as they waited for the Leader to come. Drake looked around at the semi destoryed building and busted streets. He remembered when they were once beautiful and full of life and now dead and decaying and like the memories made his mind become stale. Drake looked in the sky for Moldavia. Drake sat on the ground with a loud thud, he was heavier that the average male demon. Weighting almost 600 pounds of pure muscle and flesh, and he was the only one ever to bare his weight. 'Hurry Lady Moldavia, before its too late.' Drake thought to himself as his chains started moving by themselves again.