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Guess who's back~ For those who don't know me, I'm Shikabane Hime~
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Gothika_Knight is offline
Old 04-25-2011, 10:36 PM

Moldavia feeled her body being lifted but she couldn't see who the person was that picked her up. Her tail dangled over the ground as she tried to open her eyes but the pain was killing her and her broken wing she got from to the fall. Moldavia moaned and groaned softly in pain, her blood started clinging to the strange person that was helping her now. She passed out again, causing her head to collapse on the stranger's chest.

Drake was waiting for the transport until it finally came. He was about to board when he got the feeling that Moldavia needed help, "Good on to the base. I have to find Lady Moldavia." he said as his cape turned into wings and he flew in the air. Moldavia was missing and he could tell that she needed help but couldn't see where she was. 'Hold on Lady Moldavia, I'm coming.' he thought to himself as his large red wings flapped in the air.