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Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
Little Miss is offline
Old 04-30-2011, 04:12 PM

All Tok would do was keep running through another tunnel as Shizu's echoing scream bounced from cave to cave. Idiot, why did you go over there in the first place? Tok thought. By now it was official in her brain that Shizu wasn't consciously trying to put her life in danger. That still was no excuse, since a threatening aura was already clogging up the place at the moment. The snake girl was going to rely on Vara to help before she was going to make it over there.
She was almost debating to go back around and take the entrance Shizu and Vara took when the other direction seemed to pay off. This area was darker, but light from the place where Shizu was continuously screaming gave off some light to show the shapes of the room. Yes, a room. It wasn't a cavern like the rest of the cave, but a nicely-built hardwood floor and plastered walls. Boxes were scattered here and there, and one burt-out light hung overhead.
Peering over, Tok could see people in the other cavern like room, along with a large underground pool. Shizu's screams had died down by now, her mouth was probably covered or something. Putting her fingers to her lips, she turned over to the two following her.

"Nice to meet you," Leon said to Blaze as they kept following the littler girl, Tok. "But i think you should be a bit quieter from this point on." He whispered, seeing that there was now apparent danger. Just what they needed too, a strange but peaceful looking school actually had danger. Blaze probably couldn't sense it, but when Shizu's screams filled the air it was known by everyone.
Nice room... He thought as the three entered what looked like it could have been part of a house at one point. Minus the lack of furniture and lighting. Plus, this place was underground to begin with, no houses here. Heading her warning, Leon took a step closer to Tok, creaking a board of wood below him. Almost like dominos, that creak broke the board, moved one of the empty crates, and tipped over yet another fragile empty container. The glass shattered on the floor. "Dammit." He murmured, as the turned heads of people in another room looked straight into the darkness.

"You're an idiot." Tok said bluntly.