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Angelo is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 02:09 AM

Jaycie looked over across the ledge of the apartment building at the massive skyscraper that was home to the Filipino-Korean Corporation. Mr. Kamamura had ordered her into his office and given her her next task. It was really quite simple. She was to implant a virus on Mr. Kardigan's computer to crash his system, and place a bug in the conference room so Mr. Kamamura could listen in.

The cover of night would be extremely useful in this mission, the inky clouds blocking out the light of the moon and stars entirely, though they themselves glowed with an eerie light. Too focused for any signs of emotion, Jaycie pulled out her grapple gun, placing a super magnet on the end before shooting it toward the other building. It caught with a light clink that was barely audible over the distance. With quick and nimble hands, Jaycie tied the other end around a nearby pipe before attaching a clip on her belt to the wire. The clip was also a very powerful magnet, and, within a few moments, Jaycie's tiny body was climbing over the edge of top of the target building.

Stealthily, she took out the only guard with a chop to the neck, grabbing his radio and securely taping the alarm button down as she threw it to the building she had just come from. That was the diversion. Satisfied with her handiwork, she cut the wire and made her way to the door, slipping inside before descending the steps carefully. This building was very much like the J.A.W.S. building; it was an office building up to the very last three floors, which were the homes of the company president and their families.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, she peeked out the door to see a deserted hallway, a sight which caused her to smile. Her diversion had worked. Quickly and eagerly, she threw open the door to the living room, searching around for the laptop, hoping that no one was home.

((@Sezumie: I figured you could be coming into the room or something where you catch Jaycie. :)))