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Teh Toaster Basher
Teh Toaster Basher is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 12:27 AM

"My Sister Can't Be This Cute!" was completely disturbing. I read some pages hoping that it wasn't as I expected it to be because I seriously didn't think such stuff existed at the time, but well, it was full of incest and lolicon. Disgusting. As a younger sibling to my sister, I was horrified. I couldn't believe people would actually make something like this a popular manga. I would feel so violated and filthy if someone with incest interests looked at my sister and I for that or if someone with lolicon interests looked at me for that. People, sexualizing the image of a child? Ruining the image for childhood? This stuff isn't anything new, but that doesn't change how terrible it is. I am just horrified... and I refuse to accept anything like that.

Also, when I started searching stuff about the manga law that went active some months ago in Tokyo, the forums... geez. All they were saying was "freedom of expression" and "artistic freedom" for excuses. Ha ha, um, how do I respond to that in the way I feel about it, how I feel as a teenage girl with an older sister seeing stuff like that getting published? It's called having a moral. It's called having standards. It's called caring for other people. It's called human rights. I mean, yeah, people can think what they want in general, but this? To like this sort of stuff is beyond me. I don't think the artists even realize how many people they are upsetting when they make this stuff. It truly is a violation.

I'm sorry, I guess I ranted a little here. But stuff like that just upsets me so much, you know? I feel weak and like I'm targeted when I see stuff like that. It's not cool at all.