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LyssaStar is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 11:47 PM

Suddenly the small lizard lept from Peri's chest and darted underneath the bed. The man blinked his eyes in shock and got to his knees to look for the unruly lizard. "Nei!" he grumbled. Nei'd never done something like this before! What had gotten into her today? A flash of brown zipped past him and into the hallway. Peri cursed himself silently for not shutting the door. "Nei!" he called again, chasing desperately after the lizard. Now that they were out in the hallways, the security cameras would certainly pick this up, they might even make him get rid of his sweet little lizard! Before he knew it, he'd already chased the phyco reptile all the way down 5 flights of stairs and into the lobby where everyone seemed to be congregated in some sort of holiday celebration. Peri quickly appologized as he literally shoved a few people aside and spilled a couple drinks. Where had Nei gone?! "Nei! Nei?! Please! Ugh, where are you?!" he called desperately. What a nightmare! A few people shot him annoyed glares but otherwise resumed their conversations. Still, the reptile was nowhere to be found!