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spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 12:40 AM

Tei watched the maid intently as she swatted at the fly. He was standing on a table, looking quite idiotic. "Kill it already!!!!! You know? Just hit it!!!!!"

The heir stomped his feet stubbornly and pointed at the maid. The maid turned around and gave him an if-you-want-to-do-it-so-badly-go-do-it-yourself look. "Yes, mister." But she simply went back at swatting a fly. Can't boss around the bosses, can you?

Splat! The sound of the annoying little insect dying was a relief to Tei's supersensitive ears. "Thank god...hopefully there won't be more of those around here..."